Bali Update :


Pura Tanah Lot


Tanah lot tour is a halp day tour package to visit Tanah lot temple the most popular tourist destination with famous breathtaking view of sunset view with Tanah lot temple as a background.This tour will explore Taman ayun temple is balinese hindu temple was build on the flatt land with a big fishpond surround in mengwi regency,then we continue to visit Alas Keaton Temple is balinese temple in small forest with monkey habitat and then the last site will be visit the spectacular tanah lot balinese temple the beauty hindu temple located in small rock in the sea and has a magnificent view of sunset.

Tour Itinerary

  • 14:00 – Pick up at the hotel
  • 15.00 – Visit Taman Ayun
  • 15.30 – Visit Alas Kedaton
  • 16.30 – Visit Tanah Lot Temple
  • 19.00 – Back to Hotel
  • 20.30 – Arrive at Hotel

  • Super comfort and fully air-conditioned cars
  • English Speaking Driver
  • Private Tours no other participant, just only you and your companion
  • Regular Tours Rate : Price not include lunch, entrance fee
  • The Tour will assist by English Speaking Tours Driver
  • Tour Guide can be requested, contact us if you want to request Tour Guide during the trip
Terms Payment
  • Cash Payment
  • Payment is on the day itself with our driver
  • Payment with other currency will convert based on daily exchange rate
  • 6 pax / Car is Maximum Capacity.Tanah Lot Tour

Danau Beratan Bedugul Tabanan Bali – Daya Tarik, Lokasi & Harga Tiket Masuk Terbaru

Pura Ulun Danu Di Danau Beratan Bedugul

Danau Beratan Bedugul Tabanan Bali – Daya Tarik, Lokasi & Harga Tiket Masuk Terbaru

Apakah anda sedang merencanakan liburan ke pulau Bali? Jika iya! Saya yakin, Danau Beratan Bedugul, salah satu objek wisata di Bali yang masuk dalam daftar tempat wisata di Bali yang anda ingin kunjungi. Dari sekian banyak objek wisata menarik di pulau Bali, Danau Beratan Bedugul masuk dalam kategori tempat wisata terkenal di pulau Bali.

Saking terkenalnya danau Beratan Bedugul untuk tempat liburan di Bali, hampir setiap hari selalu ramai dengan kunjungan wisatawan. Walaupun saat musim sepi di pulau Bali, kunjungan wisatawan tetap ramai liburan ke danau Beratan di Bedugul. Sebelum anda liburan ke danau Beratan di Bedugul Bali, ada baiknya anda mengetahui beberapa informasi yang akan membantu anda dalam perencanaan liburan di Bali.

  • Tempat wisata danau alami di Bali.
  • Daya tarik danau Beratan Bedugul.
  • Tempat wisata & aktivitas liburan di sekitar danau Bratan Bedugul.
  • Alamat & peta lokasi.
  • Tempat wisata yang searah dan berdekatan.
  • Cara terbaik menuju lokasi.
  • Harga tiket masuk pura Ulun Danu Beratan Bedugul.
  • Harga sewa perahu keliling danau Bratan Bedugul.
Pulau Bali sebagai salah satu destinasi wisata di Indonesia dikenal memiliki pemandangan alam indah. Ada banyak jenis objek wisata alam yang ada di Bali, baik berupa pantai, pemandangan gunung berapi, danau alami, area persawahan, air terjun alami, pemandangan bawah laut serta hutan lindung. Namun khusus pada halaman ini, saya akan menuliskan mengenai objek wisata danau alami yang ada di Bali.

Jika anda tertarik mengunjungi objek wisata danau alami saat liburan di Bali, maka lokasinya sebagian besar berada di kawasan Bali tengah. Objek wisata danau alami di Bali seperti;

  • Danau Beratan/Bratan yang berada dalam kawasan tempat wisata Bedugul wilayah kabupaten Tabanan.
  • Lake Batur/danau Batur yang lokasinya ada di tempat wisata Kintamani, wilayah kabupaten Bangli.
  • Danau Buyan, yang berada di desa Pancasari, kecamatan Sukasada, kabupaten Buleleng.
  • Danau Tamblingan yang berada di bawah lereng bagian utara Gunung Lesung, masuk dalam kawasan Desa Munduk, Kecamatan Banjar, Buleleng.
  • Namun khusus pada halaman ini, kami hanya menuliskan informasi mengenai tempat wisata danau Beratan Bedugul di kabupaten Tabanan Bali.


Tempat Wisata Kintamani Bali – Pesona Keindahan Alam Pegunungan
Apakah anda saat ini sedang merencanakan liburan ke Bali dan ingin mengunjungi tempat wisata terkenal di Bali salah satunya tempat wisata Kintamani?

Jika anda menjawab iya, maka di halaman ini anda akan mendapatkan informasi lengkap mengenai objek wisata Kintamani Bali. Informasi yang akan anda dapatkan seperti;

  • Informasi umum mengenai Kintamani.
  • Daya tarik objek pariwisata.
  • Lokasi kawasan pariwisata Kintamani.
  • Pilihan transportasi.
  • Daftar tempat wisata.
  • Harga tiket masuk.
Informasi Umum Mengenai Kintamani

Sebelum saya menuliskan mengenai daftar objek wisata di Kintamani, serta daya tarik objek liburan Kintamani, ada baiknya saya menuliskan sedikit informasi umum mengenai daerah tempat wisata Kintamani.

Daerah kawasan pariwisata Kintamani berada di bagian timur laut pulau Bali dan berada di bawah kaldera Gunung Batur, salah satu gunung berapi yang masih aktif di Bali. Selain terdapat gunung Berapi, di kawasan pariwisata Kintamani wisatawan juga dapat melihat pemandangan danau alami yang bernama danau Batur.

Di dalam area kawasan pariwisata terdapat beberapa desa. Seperti desa Penelokan, desa Abung, desa Songan, desa Toya Bungkah, desa Batur, desa Kedisan, dan desa Kintamani yang masuk dalam pemerintahan kabupaten Bangli. Sebagian besar wisatawan yang liburan ke salah satu desa lebih mengenal dengan sebutan Kintamani, walaupun sebenarnya wisatawan berlibur di desa Penelokan atau desa lainnya.

Ada tiga desa favorit wisatawan untuk melihat pemandangan gunung Batur serta danau Batur. Yaitu desa Penelokan, desa Batur dan desa Kintamani, karena berada di dataran tinggi. Selain melihat pemandangan alam pegunungan dan danau, wisatawan yang berlibur ke tempat wisata Kintamani juga menyukai aktivitas berendam di kolam air panas alami yang berada di desa Toya Bungkah.

Selain objek wisata alam, di kawasan Kintamani juga terdapat objek wisata pura, yaitu pura Ulun Danu Batur. Untuk informasi buat anda, pura Ulun Danu Batur dan pura Ulun Danu Beratan, dua objek wisata pura yang berbeda. Karena pura Ulun Danu Beratan berada dikawasan pariwisata Bedugul.

Penduduk Lokal
Penduduk asli Kintamani sangat ramah dan sebagian besar penduduk Kintamani bekerja sebagai petani. Karena wilayah ini sangat berpotensi untuk lahan pertanian yang didukung dengan alam sejuk dan tanah subur. Hasil pertanian yang terkenal antara lain jeruk, tomat, kembang kol, dan bawang merah. Selain hasil pertanian, daerah Kintamani juga terkenal sebagai tempat untuk mencari anjing peliharaan bertubuh mungil dan berbulu lebat.


Bali Ubud Tours is the best Bali Full Day Tour Package and very popular Bali Day Tours in Bali Islands for a Full Day Journey to Visit Tourist Destination and other interest places in Ubud Village the center art and culture in Bali islands. Ubud is a town on the Indonesian island of Bali in Ubud District, located amongst rice paddies and steep ravines in the central foothills of the Gianyar regency. One of Bali's major arts and culture centres, it has developed a large tourism industry. Ubud is being one of the famous village most visited in Bali islands due this village offered with many kind beautiful art, myth, and history. Is perfect tourist destination for those who love with Art and Culture history. This Ubud Tours will visit places of interest such as Watching Barong Dance performance tells the story about battle between Barong and Rangda, visit Celuk Village is a traditional village for the incredible gold and silver handicrafts, Ubud Tegenungan Waterfall is waterfall located in kemenuh, Ubud village, is one of the waterfall not situated in the mountain, Ubud Tegallalang Rice Terrace is famous tourist attraction for beautiful rice terraces and small valey, Ubud Monkey Forest is a small rain forest dwelt by some group of monkeys and other tropical animals, Ubud Royal Palace is an ubud kingdom palace with beautiful Balinese traditional houses as a residence of Ubud King and visit Ubud Art Market is a traditional art market in the center of Ubud village. Enjoy Ubud Tours packages with the professional and friendly Bali Tours Driver Service during your holiday by perform excellent services to make Ubud Village journey is memoable one for you and family. Below is a short description about the place of interest you will visit during Ubud Tours.

Places of Interest Will Be Visit During Bali Ubud Tours :

arong is a character in the mythology of Bali. He is the king of the spirits, leader of the hosts of good, and enemy of Rangda in the mythological traditions of Bali. Banas Pati Rajah is the fourth brotheror spirit child that accompanies a child throughout life. Banas Pati Rajah is the spirit which animates Barong. A protector spirit, he is often represented by a lion, and traditional performances of his struggles against Rangda are popular parts of Balinese culture. The Barong Dance is often portraited with two monkeys

The Barong is the magical protector of Balinese villages. As & lord of the forest with fantastic fanged mask and long mane, he is the opponent of Rangda the witch, who rules over the spirits of darkness, in the never ending fight between good and evil. During the Galungan Kuningan festivals, the Barong (there are many types, including barong ket, barong macan, and barong bangkal) wanders from door to door (nglawang) cleansing the territory of evi influences.

Barong and Kris dance like the kecak dance the Barong and Kris dance is a battle between good and evil spirit. Barong can take various forms but in this dance he takes the form of the dance Barong Keket, the most holy of the Barongs. The Barong Keket is a strange creature, half shaggy dog, half lion and is played by two men in much the same way as a circus clown-horse. His opponent is the witch Rangda.

Story of Barong and Kris Dance Performance
The fight between Barong and Rangda is also the topic of traditional narratives, usually performed in the temple of the dead. The most famous is the story of Calonarang, a widow from Jirah who is furious because she cannot find a suitable husband for her daughter Ratna Manggali. All the eligible young men are scared of her black magic, so she gets revenge by wreaking havoc over the kingdom of Daha. The king, Erlangga, tries to punish her, but all his attempts fail. She kills all the soldiers he sends to destroy her. Then Rangda decides to destroy Daha. She summons all her disciples and in the still of night they go to the Setra Gendrainayu cemetery, to present offerings of dead flesh to Durga, the goddess of death. Durga agrees to the destruction, although she warns the witch not to enter the city of Daha. But the witch does not heed Durga's advice and the kingdom is soon hit by grubug (a plague) and the villages quickly become cemeteries, people dying even before they can bury their dead. Corpses are scattered everywhere and the stench is unbearable.The only person who can defeat the witch is Mpu Bharadah. At the king's request, Bharadah sends his disciple Bahula to steal Calonarang's magic weapon.images/banaspati.jpg>Bahula pretends to ask for Ratna Manggali's hand in marriage, and while the witch is away, Bahula steals the magic weapon with the help of Ratna Manggali. Then he gives the stolen weapon to his teacher Bharadah. The weapon turns out to be a manuscript containing the key to ultimate release (mokswhich has been used upside-down by Calonarang. Bharadah goes to Daha to challenge the witch. With the help of the Barong, she is defeated. Before being killed, she asks to be released from her curse and purified.

The story goes that Rangda, the mother of Erlangga, the King of Bali in the tenth century, was condemned by Erlangga's father because she practiced black magic. After she became a widow, she summoned all the evil spirits in the jungle, the leaks and the demons, to come after Erlangga. A fight occurred, but she and her black magic troops were too strong that Erlangga had to ask for the help of Barong. Barong came with Erlangga's soldiers, and fight ensued. Rangda casted a spell that made Erlangga soldiers all wanted to kill themselves, pointing their poisoned keris into their own stomachs and chests. Barong casted a spell that turned their body resistant to the sharp keris. At the end, Barong won, and Rangda ran away.

Somebody can die or get seriously injured in a Barong dance. It is said that if Rangda's spell is too strong, a weak soldier may not be able to resist it, even with the help of Barong. He may end up hurting himself with his own keris. The masks of Barong and Rangda are considered sacred items, and before they are brought out, a priest must be present to offer blessings by sprinkling them with holy water taken from Mount Agung, and offerrings must be presented.

Barong Dance is one of the distinctive arts community of Bali, where Barong it self is symbolic of goodness with shape like a lion. in Barong dance it tells the story about battle between Barong and Rangda, Rangda is a symbolic of badness with shape like a giant with a big canine. Both of them is a reflection of human action in daily life with the good and bad behavior, or in Balinese it's call Dharma and Adharma. Barong is like a doll which being moved by person inside it, Barong is very heavy, this dance usually performed by two big mans that lift and moving the barong from the inside. The story goes that Rangda, the mother of Erlangga, the King of Bali in the tenth century, was condemned by Erlangga's father because she practiced black magic. After she became a widow, she summoned all the evil spirits in the jungle, the leaks and the demons, to come after Erlangga. A fight occurred, but she and her black magic troops were too strong that Erlangga had to ask for the help of Barong. Barong came with Erlangga's soldiers, and fight ensued. Rangda casted a spell that made Erlangga soldiers all wanted to kill themselves, pointing their poisoned keris into their own stomachs and chests. Barong casted a spell that turned their body resistant to the sharp keris. At the end, Barong won, and Rangda ran away.

Barong is probably the most well known dance. It is also another story telling dance, narrating the fight between good and evil. This dance is the classic example of Balinese way of acting out mythology, resulting in myth and history being blended into one reality.
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